Sunday, December 3, 2006

Derby Fire

On Wednesday 9/6/06, 3 co-workers and I were able to make a trip to the Derby Mountain Fire Complex and observe a burn-out designed to stop the westward progression of the fire. The fire itself burned 200,000 acres and destroyed 26 residential homes and 20 outbuildings. (We are laughing because something was said right when the pic was taken, but I don't recall what happened.) The helicopter traffic from where they picked up new loads of water or retardant was non-stop right over our heads. The best description of the experience at the fire base camp was like being in an episode of "MASH. This plume of smoke produced showers of ash over the Columbus and Billings areas. By the way we look, you would have thought they were burning a mountain side of marijuana! (click on pic to enlarge)


-Jennifer said...

Uh, I think you guys are missing some Nomex! :) Great blog, Kurt! I'll be back often.

Anonymous said...

Who are your co-workers --- I think I met 2 of them last winter, but don't know who the guy is standing beside you.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I enlarged the pic ..... you say "by the way WE look" ..... NO, the other 3 look JUST FINE! YOU'RE the one who's looking pretty stoned! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I enlarged it, too - I agree with Suzy... It's just YOU... By the way, how do you guys know so much about what getting stoned looks like?! haha