Monday, November 26, 2007

First Snow!

This past week ago I had my first accumulating snow at my house, about 4-5 inches. It was a wet snow and stuck to everything. So I took a walk down to the river and sat on a rock for awhile to watch the sunset and to take some pictures.

Devner & Colorado Springs Weekend

A little late getting a post out but thought I would show some pics of my birthday weekend to Denver Nov 2-5. On the way down, I had a good visit with Scott and Kelly and their boys as we went to Chillis for lunch. Once in Denver, I stayed at The Homewood Suites in Lakewood. My very good friend and former boss from Key Bank, Donna and her husband Jim drove up from Colorado Springs Saturday evening. Also, my good friend Linda, from the bank, and her husband Lewis drove down from Fort Collins. Plus, my former roommate in Fort Collins back in 1994, Brook drove down as well. We all went to Old Chicago's for dinner. Of course, Donna and I had a few margaritas!
Then after dinner, I met up with a friend from my Fort Collins days in 1993-1996 and we went to some clubs in downtown Denver. Very fun! Although, I can't dance as long or stay out till closing like I use to! On my birthday Sunday, I drove down to Donna and Jim's in Colorado Springs for lunch at a very good Mexican restaurant, then came back after lunch and went to a beer bust with my friend in Denver starting at 4pm. All you can drink for 7 bucks! Very cool because he and his tennis team were the servers walking around with pitchers of beer. Every time your glass was going empty they filled it up. You never had to go get your beer! It was a fun weekend!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Same Ole Same Ole

Just a quick update since my trip to MI. Hmmm, no updates necessary! I did take a trip to Denver for my birthday weekend Nov 2-5 . On the way down, I stopped and met Scott, Kelly and their boys at their house and we went to Chillis for lunch. I didnt really take any pictures during the weekend but I did take a few and may post them later. It is just too much of a hassle to take a camera around to restaturants and clubs, etc. Sort of been in a big rut the past couple of months. The time change and darkness are not helping. Will try to get a post of the weekend soon.