Monday, June 30, 2008

Churchill Downs

After my Mom and I visited Brad in Sioux Falls, SD, we headed to Danville ILL the next day, then Louisville KY to see my Mom's sister and her husband. We went over to my Aunt and Uncle (Jerry and Chuck) for lunch and had a GREAT visit! I then left Mom at their house for the afternoon and my friend Jim Maczko picked me up to head over to Churchill Downs. We first hit a brewery at the minor league baseball stadium. I can't recall the beer I had but it was potent!
Then we hit the races. I bet on two races, the first horse, Storm Site came in last place. But hey, after almost intercepting two tornadoes in ILL the day before, how could I go wrong with a name like that? My next horse did come in third. Of course we did have to have a mint julip in a souvenir glass. Not a bad picture for holding the camera in front of me! I had a great time. Thanks Jim!

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